Cordillera Blanca

The Cordillera Blanca

The Cordillera Blanca, or “White Range”, is South America’s most spectacular mountain region—a magnet for trekkers and alpinists.

Thirty-three peaks in this section of the Andes stand above 18,000 feet.

Most of these granite giants are protected within the borders of Parque Nacional Huascarán, a 13,000-square mile alpine preserve.

Cordillera Blanca Peru

The park takes its name from Peru’s highest mountain, Huascarán (22,205 feet above sea level).

Watching over the park’s northern limits, UNESCO once named Alpamayo (19,511 FASL) “the most beautiful mountain in the world”.

Guided day trips from Huaraz and multi-day treks can be arranged.

Best Time for Hiking Alpamayo

June, July, and August are the driest months and the best time for trekking.

Cordillera Blanca camping at night

The shoulder months of May and September are also popular.

The rainy months from October to April are characterized by difficult trails and limited visibility.

Getting to The Cordillera Blanca

The Cordillera Blanca can be reached by air service from Lima to Anta, near Huaraz.

Notably, flight schedules and availability change frequently.

Alpamayo Peru
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“The traveler was active; he went strenuously in search of people, of adventure, of experience. The tourist is passive; he expects interesting things to happen to him. He goes sight-seeing.”

Daniel J. Boorstin