Mashpi Lodge Family Travel Album

What’s it like to stay at Ecuador‘s highly-rated Mashpi Lodge? A stay at Mashpi Lodge makes an excellent addition to vacations in the Galapagos Islands and the Ecuadorean Highlands. We’ve explored Mashpi extensively on multiple visits.

Mashpi Lodge rests on a ridge at 3,117 feet above sea level, within a 3,000-acre private reserve. Nearly all of the reserve’s land is forested, and roughly 70% is virgin primary forest.This super-biodiverse habitat, known as Choco, is a transition between lower montane rainforest and Andean cloud forest.

Here are some of our favorite memories.

Swinging on vines, but somehow looking more Harry Potter than Tarzan

Jungle swings

Overlooking the clouds, at Mashpi Lodge’s Life Center

Butterflies at the Life Center

Butterflies at the Life Center

Butterflies at the Life Center

Butterflies at the Life Center

Family Time at Magnolia Waterfall

The Magnolia Waterfall at Mashpi Lodge

Here at LANDED, family travel is a big part of our story. We’ve traveled far and wide with our kids in tow, and provide unique parent-to-parent insights on the journey.

LANDED knows the top hotels and guides in the Choco region, which includes Masphi Lodge. We can arrange your air travel, touring, and accommodations throughout Ecuador.

Speak with one of our expert travel planners today at 801.582.2100. We’ll take care of all the details.

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