Cayo District & Mountain Pine Ridge Family Travel Album

San Ignacio, located near the confluence of the Macal and Mopan rivers, is the gateway to Belize’s western wilderness. This is a fine place to start your Belizean vacation or an extension from Guatemala. Luxurious riverside lodges offer horseback riding, mountain biking, and guided tours to ancient Maya cities and ceremonial caves. Here, we’ve met with Mayan healers, sampled fresh key lime ice cream, and tracked jaguars. The Cayo District is also one of our favorite places for canoe and kayak excursions.

Just south of San Ignacio, the Mountain Pine Ridge Forest Reserve protects nearly 300 square miles of pine forest, rivers and waterfalls. The reserve, in the foothills of the Maya Mountains, is home to toucans, parrots, and motmots. The handful of lodges inside the Mountain Pine ridge offer birdwatching tours. Among the active pursuits are horseback and biking tours, waterfall hikes, natural pool and caves excursions. Two hours south of San Ignacio, past the Mountain Pine Ridge, is the ancient City of Caracol.

We’ve enjoyed these locations several times, traveling alone, as a couple, and with our girls. This album highlights some of our favorite memories.

The Mountain Pine Ridge, Belize

Delightful afternoon with an expert in Mayan traditional medicine, near San Ignacio, Belize

After the swim, Big Rock Falls, Mountain Pine Ridge, Belize

Visiting Caracol, Belize

Swimming in the Rio On Pools, Mountain Pine Ridge, Belize

Here at LANDED, family travel is a big part of our story. We’ve traveled far and wide with our kids in tow, and provide unique parent-to-parent insights on the journey.

LANDED knows the best guides, experiences, and hotel options in Belize. We can arrange your air travel, touring, and accommodations throughout Belize and across Central America & South America.

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