Rio Perdido Family Travel Album

Rio Perdido is an ideal playground for active families. Apart from the hotel’s bar, restaurant, and hot spring swimming pools, you can enjoy their carbon-fiber zip-line circuit, 20 miles of hiking and biking trails, a river tubing course, and a helipad. We’ve enjoyed it all, and have returned over the years. Here are some of our favorite memories.

Starting the hotel’s zip-line circuit

Enjoying the carbon-fiber zip-line circuit

Enjoying the carbon-fiber zip-line circuit

Help from a friend

After the Tarzan Swing

Rio Perdido’s Pool Bar

Volcanic mud in the thermal river, Rio Perdido

Volcanic mud in the thermal river, Rio Perdido

Here at LANDED, family travel is a big part of our story. We’ve traveled far and wide with our kids in tow, and provide unique parent-to-parent insights on the journey.

LANDED knows the best guides, experiences, and room options at Rio Perdido and throughout Costa Rica’s northern volcanoes region. We can arrange your air travel, touring, and accommodations throughout Costa Rica and across Central America & South America.

Speak with one of our expert travel planners today at 801.582.2100. We’ll take care of all the details.

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